Saturday, 29 June 2013

30 Day Snap #26 #27 and #28 - Ursuline National Conference 2013

Hello there blog readers.

As you may know from one of my previous blogs, I go to an Ursuline school. There are many Ursuline school's not only in the Uk but also around the world too. This past week I was involved in the Ursuline National Conference in Aylesford. This conference involves a handful of students from all the different Ursuline's around the Uk to meet up for a retreat for 3 days to learn more about our foundress St Angela and to generally have fun.  

I went with 2 other girls from my year who I will also be going to New Orleans in August. I was lucky enough to go on this conference in year 8 which I thoroughly enjoyed however I think I've valued the experience more this year as I'm older and I was also a student leader.

The first day was a lot of fun bonding with our groups who we had to name and give a slogan: 

Joyful Jukebox - The best team!

We also played rounders and I hit a rounder!! And we also had a very comical talk from one of the teachers. 
Unfortunately we couldn't stay overnight unlike everyone else as we had to go home for a meeting.

Day 2 was just as fun as day 1. We arrived late as half way though our journey to get to Aylesford our teacher remembered that she left one of the people she had to bring so we had to turn around and get her! Day 2 saw us modelling with clay and trying to attempt to draw - my skills are not that great. We also hosted a talent show where I was chosen to be the presenter and a secret judge. Then that night myself and the 2 other girls slept over at Aylesford which was a lot of fun although we didn't get to sleep till gone 12.

All the student leaders.

Day 3 was the last day which was quite sad as we all bonded quite a lot during the last few days. We had our last meal together - Fish and Chips which was very yummy and then we had a mass which was nice although I had hiccups the whole way through! 

All the different Ursuline school's.

So that's what i've been up to. I will update you on what I was up to today tomorrow - if that made any sense!!

Till next time blog readers. 


  1. This is so interesting! I have a lot of friends in the sixth form at Ursuline Wimbledon- I didn't realise there was more than one! Great post :)
    Phoebe xx
