Monday 22 April 2013

Oh My Gosh He Complimented Me!!

Hello again blog readers!! 

They say you have to kiss a couple of frogs before you eventually find a prince. I mean I know I'm young and everything but it would be nice to even get the frog situation kick started! I mean the quicker I get this frog situation started the quicker my prince will come right? (right? please tell me I'm right?!) Yes I'm talking about that cliché girl likes boy, boy doesn't like girl back moment. And being the nice friendly person that I am I'm going to help you guys get through these depressing moments in life (aren't I kind?) 

So the biggest lesson I have learnt from liking someone who does not like me back is that just because they don't like me doesn't mean that there's something wrong with me. I'm no Beyonce or anything like that but I'm comfortable with myself and that's all that matters in my eyes. 

The next thing I've learnt is that I just need to be myself. I shouldn't have to change my self to be liked eventually there will be someone who likes me for who I am and that's all I can ask for really.

Next I've also learnt that even though its the most embarrassing thing in the world for the person you like to know you like them *buys a plane ticket to Timbuktu* sometimes its for the best because then you can stop dreaming that someday he's going to sweep you off your feet in a spontaneous act of romance! Of course this doesn't mean you should shout if from the roof tops, that just leads to all kind of awkwardness...

Next, is that even though he may give you the odd compliment here and there it doesn't automatically mean that he likes you all of a sudden he's probably just being nice!  If he says he likes your hair one day just means that your hair looks nice, not that he's woken up one day and fallen completely in love with you because you've done something different with your hair (I mean it could happen, just not the biggest possibility in the world)  

And the last thing I have learnt is that everyone is beautiful and no one deserves to be told otherwise. Being called ugly, fat or anything horrible like that is the worst thing for a girl to be called and if you have ever been called this just ignore it, because its not true. 

Right my lovelies so I hope this helps, I'm off to catch some frogs! 

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