Sunday 14 April 2013

Here Comes The Sun!

Hello there blog readers!!

ITS SUNNY!! Woo!! So finally it seems like we are finally starting to enter into spring (at last!) and what a better way to spend a beautiful day like this to be out and about?? 

JOKE.... I've been indoors all day doing coursework... WHAT A MASSIVE DRAIN! 

But this did make me think now that summers coming I don't want to just be stuck indoors all day, I want to be out there making most of this weather that we seem to be experience because lets face it, knowing Britain it wont last very long! So me being me made a plan for this summer which I intend to fulfil and perhaps might even inspire you guys. By the way I know my last blog involved a list/steps of action but if you knew me you'd know I like to have a plan of action, and if you don't know me you'll soon learn ;)

1. Get the camera out for a sunny photo shoot - there's no better time to take photo's than when its sunny and plus it gives you a range of photo's to chose from to update old frames at home.. or social sites which you've been dying to change!

2. Go for a picnic somewhere in a newly discovered place - I like to find new places to go to around where I live, and there's a quite a few hidden parks that I'd like to visit, so why not bring a little picnic and gather some friends! Sun + Park + Friends + Food = Good time

3. Film a music video for one of my favourite songs - This one is a bit of a weird one I know, but I think it could be a lot of fun, what's to lose really?? Note to self... Make sure there's not very many around who think you're complete loonies!!

4. Get into a good book and sit out in the sun and read it - I do like a good read every so often and this is one of the main things I want to do, other than sit on the internet all day.... 

5. Jump into the sea- I'm really fortunate to leave near the sea and every year a group of us go down to the beach and wait for high tide and then we all go swimming and they jump into the sea, now I'm a huge wimp and as of yet having done this, but this year I will.... *gulp*

6. Finally go on a bike ride to the beach - Every year me and my best friend always plan to do a bike ride one day, but then we get to that day and we just bail out and instead get the bus!! This year we will bike ride down there.... *looks up bus time table just in case* 

And there's my little list!! I might add onto this as the summer draws closer :D Fingers crossed we get a summer! *closes eyes and crosses fingers so hard till they go funny coloured* I hope I have inspired some of you to go and do something whilst we currently experience this lovely weather!! If you guys have any idea's of your own please let me know :)

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