Friday 12 April 2013

Coursework, Revision, and Homework Oh My!

Hello there blog readers!

The joys of A Level revision and coursework... bye bye life!!

So if any of you  are currently in the middle of studying A Levels like I am then you will know that the Easter Holidays are never any fun. Yes, its that time of year when Revision is at its highest and Coursework deadlines are drawing ever closer by the day. And us "lucky" few have no time to waste around socialising every day of the week - I mean who needs lives when you can be revising?! *yawn* 

I always find the exam periods a particularly stressful time as I suffer from a fear of exams, but after struggling though GCSE's I asked myself how much harder can A Levels be especially as there is a lot less to revise with only 3 subjects? Oh how wrong I was. A level's are so much more harder!! I mean the gap from Year 9 to GCSE's isnt big at all. BUT A Levels is much different. Imagine running though a massive forest to only find yourself  trapped on a cliff edge with a massive drop and a good 50 ft jump to the next cliff which looks to be considerably nicer than the cliff you are currently standing on now. And that is the jump from GCSE to A Level, only once you manage to jump over that cliff you realise that actually you were better off where you were in the first place! JOY!

But sitting around isn't going to help anybody and it certainly wont get revision or coursework done so i've devised a plan to get me through these next couple of weeks and I thought i'd share it with you guys.

STEP 1: Procrastination is bad. Productivity is good! Sure, browsing on the internet looking at pictures and video's of cats doing stupid things is great, but in a few years time when you have no job because you failed A Levels what use will those cats be? Leave the cats for a couple of months - they will always be there when you get back!

STEP 2: Don't get overwhelmed by the amount of things you have to do. Create a timetable of when you are planning to do revision and coursework, but remember to give yourself a break every now and again, overworking yourself is just as bad as doing nothing at all I find. 

STEP 3: Calm Down. Crying yourself to sleep is not going to make matters any better, end the night on a positive note, I think this has helped me a lot to get over the stress of A Levels many times!! 

STEP 4: If you don't understand something ask, whether its your friend or a teacher, just because you're struggling doesn't mean that no one should know, it doesn't make you a let down! and you never know that person might need your help one day too.

And that's all folks! Hope these can help you to conquer the likes of A Levels. Back to Revision I go..... -_-

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