Hello Blog Readers!
Sorry its been a while, revision is overtaking my life! So I've been looking at a few blogs and stumbled across this little tag, its quite an old one but I thought it would be cute to do! So here goes!!
Blush or Bronzer? Blush
Lip gloss or Lipstick? Lip gloss
Chapstick or Lip butter? Chapstick
Matte or sparkle eye shadow? Matte for everyday use, Sparkle for evenings
Eye liner or mascara? Hands down Mascara!
Gel, liquid or cream eye liner? Liquid
Foundation or concealer? As weird as this is probably concealer
Liquid or powder foundation? Powder
Neutral or colour eye shadow? Neutral, I'm quite scared to venture into the world of colour on my eyes!
Waterproof or non waterproof? Waterproof, I think its just handy really!!
Brushes or sponges? Brushes!
Powder, cream or liquid highlighter? I don't really use highlighter but I'd probably go for powder.
OPI or Essie: OPI
Acrylic or Natural? Natural, i really cant handle wearing false nails!
Bright or Dark? I tend to go for bright colours, although sometimes a nice burgundy looks good too
Matte or Shiny? Shiny
Glitter or No Glitter? No Glitter, although sometimes it does look nice
Perfume or Body Splash? Perfume all the way!
Body lotion or Body butter? Body Butter
Body wash or soap? Body wash
Self tan or not? Being half Irish I have really fair skin and don't tan EVER but I'm too scared to try self tanning in case I turn orange!!
Tuesday, 30 April 2013
Monday, 22 April 2013
Oh My Gosh He Complimented Me!!
Hello again blog readers!!
They say you have to kiss a couple of frogs before you eventually find a prince. I mean I know I'm young and everything but it would be nice to even get the frog situation kick started! I mean the quicker I get this frog situation started the quicker my prince will come right? (right? please tell me I'm right?!) Yes I'm talking about that cliché girl likes boy, boy doesn't like girl back moment. And being the nice friendly person that I am I'm going to help you guys get through these depressing moments in life (aren't I kind?)
So the biggest lesson I have learnt from liking someone who does not like me back is that just because they don't like me doesn't mean that there's something wrong with me. I'm no Beyonce or anything like that but I'm comfortable with myself and that's all that matters in my eyes.
The next thing I've learnt is that I just need to be myself. I shouldn't have to change my self to be liked eventually there will be someone who likes me for who I am and that's all I can ask for really.
Next I've also learnt that even though its the most embarrassing thing in the world for the person you like to know you like them *buys a plane ticket to Timbuktu* sometimes its for the best because then you can stop dreaming that someday he's going to sweep you off your feet in a spontaneous act of romance! Of course this doesn't mean you should shout if from the roof tops, that just leads to all kind of awkwardness...
Next, is that even though he may give you the odd compliment here and there it doesn't automatically mean that he likes you all of a sudden he's probably just being nice! If he says he likes your hair one day just means that your hair looks nice, not that he's woken up one day and fallen completely in love with you because you've done something different with your hair (I mean it could happen, just not the biggest possibility in the world)
And the last thing I have learnt is that everyone is beautiful and no one deserves to be told otherwise. Being called ugly, fat or anything horrible like that is the worst thing for a girl to be called and if you have ever been called this just ignore it, because its not true.
Right my lovelies so I hope this helps, I'm off to catch some frogs!
They say you have to kiss a couple of frogs before you eventually find a prince. I mean I know I'm young and everything but it would be nice to even get the frog situation kick started! I mean the quicker I get this frog situation started the quicker my prince will come right? (right? please tell me I'm right?!) Yes I'm talking about that cliché girl likes boy, boy doesn't like girl back moment. And being the nice friendly person that I am I'm going to help you guys get through these depressing moments in life (aren't I kind?)
So the biggest lesson I have learnt from liking someone who does not like me back is that just because they don't like me doesn't mean that there's something wrong with me. I'm no Beyonce or anything like that but I'm comfortable with myself and that's all that matters in my eyes.
The next thing I've learnt is that I just need to be myself. I shouldn't have to change my self to be liked eventually there will be someone who likes me for who I am and that's all I can ask for really.
Next I've also learnt that even though its the most embarrassing thing in the world for the person you like to know you like them *buys a plane ticket to Timbuktu* sometimes its for the best because then you can stop dreaming that someday he's going to sweep you off your feet in a spontaneous act of romance! Of course this doesn't mean you should shout if from the roof tops, that just leads to all kind of awkwardness...
Next, is that even though he may give you the odd compliment here and there it doesn't automatically mean that he likes you all of a sudden he's probably just being nice! If he says he likes your hair one day just means that your hair looks nice, not that he's woken up one day and fallen completely in love with you because you've done something different with your hair (I mean it could happen, just not the biggest possibility in the world)
And the last thing I have learnt is that everyone is beautiful and no one deserves to be told otherwise. Being called ugly, fat or anything horrible like that is the worst thing for a girl to be called and if you have ever been called this just ignore it, because its not true.
Right my lovelies so I hope this helps, I'm off to catch some frogs!
Thursday, 18 April 2013
Throwback Thursday!
Hello again blog readers!!
So I was looking through some old photo's today and I thought I'd share some with you :)
So I was looking through some old photo's today and I thought I'd share some with you :)
Cooor! Look at those glasses!:O
Me 3/4 Months Old
Summer 1996
Mum liked that hat apparently?
Summer 1996
I loved my new brother!
February 1997
It's tiring being a baby sometimes!
Hope you enjoyed these little snapshots! Until next time :D
Tuesday, 16 April 2013
Semi Colon Project
Hey there blog readers,
So today I want to talk to you guys about something that's close to my heart. I found this on twitter a couple of weeks ago and decided that I would do it straight away. I personally am luck enough to have not been struck by depression, suicidal thoughts, I don't self harm or I don't suffer from anxiety however there are a few people close to my heart who are suffering from these and aren't in the happiest position in their life. I believe that everybody should be given the chance to be happy. Suicide isn't the way out, you were given this life for a purpose. Ignore those who try to put you down, you're stronger than them! There is always someone that can help you.
Stay Strong <3
Sunday, 14 April 2013
Here Comes The Sun!
Hello there blog readers!!
ITS SUNNY!! Woo!! So finally it seems like we are finally starting to enter into spring (at last!) and what a better way to spend a beautiful day like this to be out and about??
ITS SUNNY!! Woo!! So finally it seems like we are finally starting to enter into spring (at last!) and what a better way to spend a beautiful day like this to be out and about??
JOKE.... I've been indoors all day doing coursework... WHAT A MASSIVE DRAIN!
But this did make me think now that summers coming I don't want to just be stuck indoors all day, I want to be out there making most of this weather that we seem to be experience because lets face it, knowing Britain it wont last very long! So me being me made a plan for this summer which I intend to fulfil and perhaps might even inspire you guys. By the way I know my last blog involved a list/steps of action but if you knew me you'd know I like to have a plan of action, and if you don't know me you'll soon learn ;)
1. Get the camera out for a sunny photo shoot - there's no better time to take photo's than when its sunny and plus it gives you a range of photo's to chose from to update old frames at home.. or social sites which you've been dying to change!
2. Go for a picnic somewhere in a newly discovered place - I like to find new places to go to around where I live, and there's a quite a few hidden parks that I'd like to visit, so why not bring a little picnic and gather some friends! Sun + Park + Friends + Food = Good time
3. Film a music video for one of my favourite songs - This one is a bit of a weird one I know, but I think it could be a lot of fun, what's to lose really?? Note to self... Make sure there's not very many around who think you're complete loonies!!
4. Get into a good book and sit out in the sun and read it - I do like a good read every so often and this is one of the main things I want to do, other than sit on the internet all day....
5. Jump into the sea- I'm really fortunate to leave near the sea and every year a group of us go down to the beach and wait for high tide and then we all go swimming and they jump into the sea, now I'm a huge wimp and as of yet having done this, but this year I will.... *gulp*
6. Finally go on a bike ride to the beach - Every year me and my best friend always plan to do a bike ride one day, but then we get to that day and we just bail out and instead get the bus!! This year we will bike ride down there.... *looks up bus time table just in case*
And there's my little list!! I might add onto this as the summer draws closer :D Fingers crossed we get a summer! *closes eyes and crosses fingers so hard till they go funny coloured* I hope I have inspired some of you to go and do something whilst we currently experience this lovely weather!! If you guys have any idea's of your own please let me know :)
Friday, 12 April 2013
Coursework, Revision, and Homework Oh My!
Hello there blog readers!
The joys of A Level revision and coursework... bye bye life!!
So if any of you are currently in the middle of studying A Levels like I am then you will know that the Easter Holidays are never any fun. Yes, its that time of year when Revision is at its highest and Coursework deadlines are drawing ever closer by the day. And us "lucky" few have no time to waste around socialising every day of the week - I mean who needs lives when you can be revising?! *yawn*
I always find the exam periods a particularly stressful time as I suffer from a fear of exams, but after struggling though GCSE's I asked myself how much harder can A Levels be especially as there is a lot less to revise with only 3 subjects? Oh how wrong I was. A level's are so much more harder!! I mean the gap from Year 9 to GCSE's isnt big at all. BUT A Levels is much different. Imagine running though a massive forest to only find yourself trapped on a cliff edge with a massive drop and a good 50 ft jump to the next cliff which looks to be considerably nicer than the cliff you are currently standing on now. And that is the jump from GCSE to A Level, only once you manage to jump over that cliff you realise that actually you were better off where you were in the first place! JOY!
But sitting around isn't going to help anybody and it certainly wont get revision or coursework done so i've devised a plan to get me through these next couple of weeks and I thought i'd share it with you guys.
STEP 1: Procrastination is bad. Productivity is good! Sure, browsing on the internet looking at pictures and video's of cats doing stupid things is great, but in a few years time when you have no job because you failed A Levels what use will those cats be? Leave the cats for a couple of months - they will always be there when you get back!
STEP 2: Don't get overwhelmed by the amount of things you have to do. Create a timetable of when you are planning to do revision and coursework, but remember to give yourself a break every now and again, overworking yourself is just as bad as doing nothing at all I find.
STEP 3: Calm Down. Crying yourself to sleep is not going to make matters any better, end the night on a positive note, I think this has helped me a lot to get over the stress of A Levels many times!!
STEP 4: If you don't understand something ask, whether its your friend or a teacher, just because you're struggling doesn't mean that no one should know, it doesn't make you a let down! and you never know that person might need your help one day too.
And that's all folks! Hope these can help you to conquer the likes of A Levels. Back to Revision I go..... -_-
The joys of A Level revision and coursework... bye bye life!!
So if any of you are currently in the middle of studying A Levels like I am then you will know that the Easter Holidays are never any fun. Yes, its that time of year when Revision is at its highest and Coursework deadlines are drawing ever closer by the day. And us "lucky" few have no time to waste around socialising every day of the week - I mean who needs lives when you can be revising?! *yawn*
I always find the exam periods a particularly stressful time as I suffer from a fear of exams, but after struggling though GCSE's I asked myself how much harder can A Levels be especially as there is a lot less to revise with only 3 subjects? Oh how wrong I was. A level's are so much more harder!! I mean the gap from Year 9 to GCSE's isnt big at all. BUT A Levels is much different. Imagine running though a massive forest to only find yourself trapped on a cliff edge with a massive drop and a good 50 ft jump to the next cliff which looks to be considerably nicer than the cliff you are currently standing on now. And that is the jump from GCSE to A Level, only once you manage to jump over that cliff you realise that actually you were better off where you were in the first place! JOY!
But sitting around isn't going to help anybody and it certainly wont get revision or coursework done so i've devised a plan to get me through these next couple of weeks and I thought i'd share it with you guys.
STEP 1: Procrastination is bad. Productivity is good! Sure, browsing on the internet looking at pictures and video's of cats doing stupid things is great, but in a few years time when you have no job because you failed A Levels what use will those cats be? Leave the cats for a couple of months - they will always be there when you get back!
STEP 2: Don't get overwhelmed by the amount of things you have to do. Create a timetable of when you are planning to do revision and coursework, but remember to give yourself a break every now and again, overworking yourself is just as bad as doing nothing at all I find.
STEP 3: Calm Down. Crying yourself to sleep is not going to make matters any better, end the night on a positive note, I think this has helped me a lot to get over the stress of A Levels many times!!
STEP 4: If you don't understand something ask, whether its your friend or a teacher, just because you're struggling doesn't mean that no one should know, it doesn't make you a let down! and you never know that person might need your help one day too.
And that's all folks! Hope these can help you to conquer the likes of A Levels. Back to Revision I go..... -_-
Thursday, 11 April 2013
New suede shoes
Hello there blog readers!!
So today I was searching for a new pair of school shoes, and since the UK is officially in summer (Yes this is true but somewhat difficult to believe due to the winter like weather we STILL seem to be experiencing!) I decided I would go for more seasonal appropriate shoes :)
And after searching high and low up the high street, I eventually found myself searching through Primark's shoe collection. I know some people might think that Primark's flat shoe collection may not be that great and are quite easy to break but I find them quite comfortable and dependant on the shoe quite sturdy and to be honest most of school hours I'm in trainers anyway due to AS Dance so I wont get the chance to wear the shoe down in the first place. They were the first pair I picked up and in true Primark fashion they were the only pair of flat black shoe's in my size in the whole entire shop -_- just as well I fell in love with them! And as a bonus they were quite cheap too - £8 for a pair of shoes for school is a bargain in my eyes, and I honestly believe they will last the 12 weeks left of school *fingers crossed*
So today I was searching for a new pair of school shoes, and since the UK is officially in summer (Yes this is true but somewhat difficult to believe due to the winter like weather we STILL seem to be experiencing!) I decided I would go for more seasonal appropriate shoes :)
And after searching high and low up the high street, I eventually found myself searching through Primark's shoe collection. I know some people might think that Primark's flat shoe collection may not be that great and are quite easy to break but I find them quite comfortable and dependant on the shoe quite sturdy and to be honest most of school hours I'm in trainers anyway due to AS Dance so I wont get the chance to wear the shoe down in the first place. They were the first pair I picked up and in true Primark fashion they were the only pair of flat black shoe's in my size in the whole entire shop -_- just as well I fell in love with them! And as a bonus they were quite cheap too - £8 for a pair of shoes for school is a bargain in my eyes, and I honestly believe they will last the 12 weeks left of school *fingers crossed*
And here they are!! I don't know how much longer they will be available for but I have seen them in stock since Christmas!
I think they are mega cute for school and I cant wait to wear them!
Wednesday, 10 April 2013
I can FINALLY tie up my hair!!
Hello fellow bloggers!
So today I became a bit excited over the fact that I am finally able to tie up my hair! To the average person this might sound a bit silly but not being able to tie up my hair has been a nightmare! Why can't I tie up my hair you ask? Well the summer just gone I was sick of my longish hair which I failed to do anything with apart from tie up! So in a drastic decision I decided it was bye bye to long hair and hello to short hair... and not just bob short... oh no MEGA SHORT! :O
From This:
To This:
Its a Bob length one side and just above the ear on the other.
Just a note, I do have a fringe but because it's gotten so long I now I just clip it back
Well I'm happy with my new do, but saying that I am growing it so that I will soon have a bob :) since having short hair I've done so much more with it than when I had longer hair so I figured I could just do what I have been doing all along but with a bob instead.
And here it is!! It may be small but it feels good to finally get my hair out my face!!
I'm now leaving my hair grow out so i can have a normal bob and I'm mega excited since I can do quite a bit more with it. Here's hoping I do more than what I did last time!!
So today I became a bit excited over the fact that I am finally able to tie up my hair! To the average person this might sound a bit silly but not being able to tie up my hair has been a nightmare! Why can't I tie up my hair you ask? Well the summer just gone I was sick of my longish hair which I failed to do anything with apart from tie up! So in a drastic decision I decided it was bye bye to long hair and hello to short hair... and not just bob short... oh no MEGA SHORT! :O
From This:

Just a note, I do have a fringe but because it's gotten so long I now I just clip it back
Well I'm happy with my new do, but saying that I am growing it so that I will soon have a bob :) since having short hair I've done so much more with it than when I had longer hair so I figured I could just do what I have been doing all along but with a bob instead.
I'm now leaving my hair grow out so i can have a normal bob and I'm mega excited since I can do quite a bit more with it. Here's hoping I do more than what I did last time!!
Tuesday, 9 April 2013
I'm Not Really A Kid I Swear!
Hey there blog readers!
Today is the first day of my blogging life! :)
So this is a new project I've decided to work on - I needed something to make myself sound interesting apart from just saying that I've been on the internet all weekend, at least now I have a valid reason!
I always think that for my age I can sometimes act quite young, but then doesn't everyone? I know boy's tend to mature quite a bit later than girls, but even so, in our teenage years don't we all just wish we were young again? Looking back I always think always ask myself why was I so keen to want to grow up? The concept of thinking of the future frightens me now quite a bit, especially since I'm caught up in the argument of what exactly I want to do when I eventually leave school! But for now whatever I will become will just have to wait because regardless of the age I am I'm about to tuck into my favourite biscuit!! Who says they're just for kids?!
Today is the first day of my blogging life! :)
So this is a new project I've decided to work on - I needed something to make myself sound interesting apart from just saying that I've been on the internet all weekend, at least now I have a valid reason!
I always think that for my age I can sometimes act quite young, but then doesn't everyone? I know boy's tend to mature quite a bit later than girls, but even so, in our teenage years don't we all just wish we were young again? Looking back I always think always ask myself why was I so keen to want to grow up? The concept of thinking of the future frightens me now quite a bit, especially since I'm caught up in the argument of what exactly I want to do when I eventually leave school! But for now whatever I will become will just have to wait because regardless of the age I am I'm about to tuck into my favourite biscuit!! Who says they're just for kids?!
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