Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Wonderful Wonderful Wednesdays No.2

Hello there blog readers,

Well its Wednesday again!!  Hope you have all had a good day - even though the weather is still pretty rubbish!!

Apologies as this is going to be a short blog today. 

So today I had my haircut which I will share with you guys tomorrow and then we had a huge delivery of new furniture for the house so I've been busy busy busy!! And as the weathers been pretty rubbish too I've been indoors all day. 

So dear blog readers I'm going to leave you with this:

Hope your Wednesday has been good and I'll see you next time.

Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Things to do on a rainy day!

Hello there blog readers!!

In typical British fashion the sun hasn't managed to stay for long. This time yesterday I was moaning about being sunburnt and today I'm moaning about the rain! And I don't moan often... kinda... well.... *blushes*

Because its really rubbish weather I thought I might give you some tips on what to do to fill your day whilst the rain stays. 

(Brace yourselves its another one of those lists!)

  • Try out new looks with make-up. Recently I've gotten quite into make-up and I love to try out new looks, just go on to Youtube and you're away really.

  • Try to put together new outfits from the clothes you already have. This is something I enjoyed doing last year for summer outfits, I had so many clothes that I only wore with certain things so I decided to change it up a bit.

  • Try out new hairstyles. Again just by going onto Youtube you can be learning to do some lovely new hairstyles ready to show of when the sun comes out

  • Indoor photo shoot. I love to doll myself up and just do a mini photo shoot indoors.

  • Bake something. Whether its a cake or brownies, baking something can be fun to do with a friend or siblings and then you can serve it up for dessert after.
So I hope some of these helped to fill your days when the weather turns rubbish! If you have any ideas don't be afraid to add below.

Till next time blog readers!

Monday, 27 May 2013

Marvellous Mondays! New Orleans 2013

Hello again blog readers! 

So I want to tell you about a project I'm taking part in this summer. I go to an Ursuline School in South East England, but there are many other Ursuline School's not only in the UK but America (New Orleans) and Africa. 

This year I've been involved with a project called Ursuline Links which joins all the Ursuline schools both across the UK and New Orleans to do projects of service. The project I'm doing particularly is taking me across the pond to New Orleans to help re decorate houses destroyed by Hurricane Katrina in 2005.

Today myself and 2 other girls that are going to New Orleans travelled up to London for a retreat day to meet the girls who will be going to New Orleans with us and the other girls involved in the other various Ursuline Links projects throughout the summer. 

Apart from having to wake up very early on a bank holiday Monday, the weather was beautiful and I met some very lovely girls who I'm hoping to stay in touch with.

So I wanted to share with you some photo's of the retreat day:
Some of the girls going to New Orleans and Whythenshawe
With 2 of our Ursuline Sisters 
Some of the American girls and us

We had an amazing day complete with funny bonding games and even taking part in little drama's we all put together!

Oh and did I mention getting slightly sunburnt? :S 

If any of you want to know more about the New Orleans project taking place this year then click on this link and give us a like on facebook to find out about any fundraising events we are doing:

Till next time blog readers!

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Wonderful Wonderful Wednesdays!

Hello again blog readers!!

Sorry I haven't posted in a while! :( exams took over - but im back now yaaayy!!

So I always find that Wednesdays are always the best days at school because it means your half way through the week and getting closer to the weekend!! So to just help you get through the rest of the week i decided that every Wednesday I'm going to share a blog with a little inspiring message or funny picture and tell you how my week has been so far :) 

I think i'm a bit of a fruit loop!!

So this week has been a stressful week because I had most of my As Level exams. I had my Human biology exam on Tuesday and then today I had my History As Level so as you can imagine its been a long week!! But I only have 1 exam left after half term so I'm going to relax for a while before I start the whole revision thing again. 

I hope your week has been ok and i'll see you guys soon!! 

Monday, 6 May 2013

Beauty and Fashion Haul!

Hello Again Blog Readers!

So this weekend I went to a wedding which meant I needed a new outfit! And whilst out I picked up a couple more things too.

So to begin with I bought a new dress from Select. It's a Burgundy colour and its longer at the back compared to the front.
It also came with a very cute belt :)

The dress was in the sale section of the shop and was reduced from £20 to £12! Bargain!!

 Then whilst in Select dad and I went a bit mad and saw a couple of tops that would be useful for when I go to New Orleans this year - I live in these tops any ways so they'll come in handy every day of the week

White and Blue Striped Cami

Red Cami
Leopard Print Cami

Salmon coloured Cami

The camisoles were on special offer 2 for £5 

Next I bought some leggins as again i wear these quite often either for dance or just pottering about

 And again the leggins were also on special offer 2 for £8

Whilst paying for everything dad noticed some nail polishes on special offer 99p each so I also treated my self to some new colours!! 
The purpley colour is called Dark Magenta - no.15, the Grey colour is called Slate - no. 74 and the blue colour in the background is called Blue Moon - no. 40.

Then the lady behind the counter said that there was some other deal going on that I was then entitled to another beauty product FREE!! so I scooped out this very pretty lipstick 
It's a nice cute coral colour called Innocent

This next one I bought today, I use quite a bit of heat on my hair because I'm either always straightening the sides or blow-drying it so a friend recommended I use this as it also leaves a nice shine to the hair
This was £3 in Asda! 

I also bought myself a new shampoo and conditioner, recently I've found that with my short hair the shampoo's and conditioners I've been using haven't given me that shine in my hair that I use to have and its not been feeling as soft either. But I've tried this shampoo at my best friends and it seems to do everything I want so I also got a conditioner which promises to give back the shine!
These were both £2 in Asda

And lastly I bought some baby wipes! I've been using Huggies baby wipes a lot lately as they come in a bigger packet than normal make up removing wipes and I always keep them in my bag anyway! I also find that they're lovely and soft on the skin and do the same job as make up wipes and are cheap too.

I think these were £1 

Just a note to any students who are studying A Levels. If you haven't done so already, you can apply for a free UCAS card online which entitles you to money off at certain shops, restaraunts and even theme park attractions! I saved £10 in select alone with my UCAS card and its free!! Win Win situation!! 

So thats all from this haul I'm now officially broke!! Till next time blog readers!

Friday, 3 May 2013

20 Facts About Me!

Hello there again blog readers!

So with all the work and revision I've been doing lately I haven't been able to blog as much, so I don't have anything planned for today! So I saw this floating around the interwebs and thought I'd have a go so you guys could get to know me better!

1. My name is Danielle and only recently have people started to shorten it down to Dan or Dannii (execept my neighbour who always called me Dan!)
This is me! 

2. I have a younger brother who is only 10 months younger than me, meaning that for a whole month and 12 days I'm the same age as him... it also doesn't help that he's 6ft 4 and I'm 5ft 5
Me, my brother and my cousin 

3. I'm half Irish and Ireland is my favourite place to go its so beautiful.
Home from Home! 

4. My favourite food is probably Spaghetti Pasta 

5. I don't have any pets because my mum is allergic to the fur off hamsters, my dad doesnt have the best track record with fish and I dont like cats.... I really want a dog though!!
How could you say no to this pretty face??

6. I collect postcards from all around the world, the furthest one i have so far is New York, but I'm hoping that i will get one from South Africa and Singapore from people i know who are out there

7. I have an eclectic taste in music meaning I love everything from rock and roll to country to pop
Would easily get any of these tattoo'd if I wasn't such a wimp!

8. I'm hoping to become a midwife just need the grades to get into uni, although the prospect of the future scares me!

9. I'm terrified of spiders, I can just about handle little ones but they have to be TINY! apart from that i freak out!

10. When I find a song I like I will listen to it on repeat for ages until I'm sick of it.

11. My favourite song in the entire history of the world would be Angels by Robbie Williams, I think because my dad and I use to listen along and sing to it all the time when I was younger.

12. I love to dance so much so i've taken it for an A Level.

13. I could watch Rugby for hours on end, but football irritates the life out of me! 

14. I once broke my nose whilst playing rounders, and as if that couldn't be embarrassing enough it was in front of my whole year group...

15. I've completed my Duke of Edinburgh Bronze award even though I could've died when a group of cows started to run towards me whilst i was stuck in a kissing gate.....

16. I'm EXTREMELY Clumsy!! I should come with a warning sign honestly! 

17. I have a phobia of exams meaning I don't usually perform as well as I stress out too much, but I was (much to my surprise) given the award for having the most points for GCSE overall out of all the girls in my whole year group! 

18. I admit that my best friend and I are complete freaks! We don't care though!

19. I've never been out of Europe, but this year I'm going to New Orleans!!! 

20. I can't wait to grow up get married and have children, it really excites me and its the only part of the future I'm actually excited about.

Well guys I hope you've got to know me a bit better :)

If any of you have twitter follow me on @Dannii_2696 Until then!